9th June 2024.
The weather in the hills looked great on Saturday, so, as planned, we went on Sunday.
Our initial two members swelled to 4 once Conrad had adjusted his time clock from West Australian time, with he, Gail and "boots" joining Josh & I.
We didn't get the forecast strong winds, and our first rain was a short shower as we arrived at the hut.
As usual the hut was tidy with little work necessary, quite a few people had been staying. Josh & I replaced the rat bait, all gone in about 4 weeks, so there must be a few rats about.. Conrad & Gail had a short tidy up before lunch. As we left about mid day it threatened rain, but we were lucky as it held off until the last hour heading down, and then it was really only the occasional shower. It was surprisingly warm which was good.
Derrick Field and Alistair Barr were out on the Loop track cutting back the undergrowth, there were few others about.