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Blue Range Maintenance

Blue Range maintenance trip 29/10/23

A change to the originally scheduled weekend plans saw 4 of us head up to

Blue Range hut for the day to complete some work on the MTC hut.

Since the forecast was good, and no real time limits were in place a leisurely

meet at 08.30 was planned, and within 30 minutes boots were being

tightened, and equipment for the tasks to be completed were distributed

amongst the group.

A steady pace was taken on the up hill, with time to comment on the site of

the ex-Rovers hut site and the state of the track at the first uphill section after


By the time we reached the half way point, the rugby score had come in, and

the All Blacks were second best in the world. However, the sun was out and

there was little wind, so a great place to be no matter!

Arrival at the hut was followed by a short morning tea, then the Mahi began.

The hut was cleared out, mattresses all washed down, fire taken apart and

cleaned, while all the surfaces were swept down and washed. Windows were

cleaned and exterior surfaces reviewed.

The toilet was cleaned inside, and the outside was treated for mould, ensuring

that the build up of leaf litter was removed.

Measurements were also taken for future jobs to be considered, which

include, looking at the step at the door, creating a platform for the sink area,

and some internal repairs. Rat bait was off course also replaced!

Following this, lunch was had, though a slight breeze and some cloud cover

made it cooler than we had hoped for.

The trip down the track was easy going, and allowed David the chance to try

out his new saw on some of the fallen logs on the track, watched on by three

foremen as he did the work!

Thanks to Lorelei, David, and Gerald who joined me on the trip.

Conrad – Co Captain