Sunday August 1 Gentle Annie Creek
Sevenmembers met at the Holdsworth carpark at 9am, obviously a bit late as parkingspaces were already well filled, yet another lovely sunny weekend.
First stopwas the new Rocky Lookout, the 9am start made for a 10am arrival at thelookout, just in time for a tea break to ensure our SWTC representative couldhave a, short, tea break. Then it was a bit further up the Gentle Annie, leftonto the Old Gentle Annie, and right up to the Old Rocky Lookout, with muchimproved views of the Wairarapa valley and the mountains.
With theclimbing over, it was time to start the descent to Gentle Annie Creek, Johnasked everyone to look out for a specimen of Hard Beech. I think most were busylooking where to put their feet on the rough track, as John was the first tospot one.
Shortlyafter we met the creek we found a reasonably sunny spot for lunch, and anothercuppa. Then continued down the creek before joining up with the track toHoldsworth Lookout and making our way back to the vehicles by 1pm.
Those onthe walk, Denise, Margaret, Robyn, Graeme, David, John & Nigel