Kiriwhakapapa to Mikimiki – Monday 16 March 2020
Participants: Chris, Viv, Anita, Margaret, Christine & “Dodge”
With all the covid-19 happenings it was so nice to get out in the bush for a break and some fresh
air. The weather forecast was for possible showers in the afternoon but it was fine and sunny
with no wind when we left town at 9am. It was a bit cool in the bush to start with but we soon
warmed up once we started heading up the hill.
We had a leisurely morning tea at the saddle and then headed off toward Mikimiki roadend –
down the hill then across the stream with a little scramble up the other side before heading along
the track which meanders alongside the stream. We didn’t quite go all the way through as some
had time restraints so we stopped for lunch then headed back the way we came. Christine &
Dodge couldn’t leave until later in the morning so they met up with us as we headed back up the
hill on our way back to the car. We stopped to look for one geocache on the way, but with no
luck – maybe another time.
This was Anita’s first tramping club trip and by the sounds of things, it definitely won’t be the
last. This was a good trip for a first tramp and everyone had a great time.