Trip Report
In the 48 hours before 10am on the morning of 31 May, there was much alternating between “will we go, won’t we go”? The weather forecast said lots of rain, then maybe no rain and then maybe some rain. However, we went! Six up us turned up at the start of the track, well clad in everything waterproof and lots of warm underlayers - which started to come off about 15 minutes along the track.
It was a straightforward hour’s walk up to the saddle – a bit slippery, some mud, misty rain and big wet drops falling from the trees. The weather was clear enough for us to sit on the benches at the top and enjoy morning tea in our damp surroundings. Then we headed on the track towards Mikimiki. The views weren’t great but for those who hadn’t walked this track before there was much “oohing and aahing” about our beautiful surroundings, especially when we reached the stream which was running at a good pace. We didn’t cross but headed back the way we had come, up to the saddle, assumedly for lunch. By then though, there was enough rain to make our sandwiches soggy so the consensus was that we would carrry on down to the start of the track and have a ‘dry’ lunch in the shelter.
Total trip time with stops was 4 hours. Overall, we all felt it was great to be out in the forest again stretching our legs. Things were a bit ‘drippy’ but there is something refreshing about being surrounded by damp vegetation as long as we’re warm and dry.
Trampers – Chris (trip leader), Laura, Mary Ann (visitor), Robyn, Mike, Gerald
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