On Friday 21st February the club trip was to go to Dorset Ridge but changed to just a trip to Mitre Flats due to the forecast. Some members pulled out. We arrived at Mitre flats at 10pm Friday night. It was the boys first night walk. They went really well. 1 dude at the hut when we arrived, he had attempted to get to tarn ridge but was turned back by bad weather.
On Saturday morning before going up Mitre the boys made a fridge in the shallows of the river, 4 hours later after getting back from climbing up to the bushline in soaking conditions the boys fridge contents had been washed away. Master Vinnie was not impressed. The river came up very fast and dropped just as quick. After lunch we went over the south mitre stream swing bridge and bush bashed down to the river in hope of finding fridge contents but to no avail, on the way back the boys found an old marker from back in the day, we then climbed out of the river and walked up the Atiwhakatu track for a while.
4 people in residence in the hut that night.
On Sunday we left the hut about 0930 for a leisurely walk out which the boys did in 3 hrs 45 min.
Tramping party were Ben, Bob (9) and Vinnie (7).
Good time had by all.