Mount Bruce lookout
November 12th 2023
Eight Club members coordinated transport from Masterton and met at the ‘ southern carpark’ at Pukaha. There was much discussion about how deep the creek would be and whether to cross in our spare shoes or risk it with our boots. After crossing the grass, we were able to see our crossing, some changed shoes, others wore gaiters to keep the water out.
After a quick shoe change on the other side (the water had been quite cold!) we headed off on the lookout track, in an anticlockwise direction.
The track zig-zagged up the hill, and it didn’t take long to get the secateurs and saws out. Some long tendrils of Himalayan Honeysuckle, a few bits of blackberry and some strong growing natives needed a little trim.
We stopped to check out the animal pest traps, the kaka nest box and got to the slightly windy lookout at 10am – perfect for a morning tea break.
After soaking in the view, we continued along the track northwards checking out the beautiful native forest including some very large Northern Rata trees. There was a stunning view to the east and plans were made to do some more exploring of other ridges in the future.
The track didn’t need much trimming along this section, so we focussed on the many bird calls and naming of the ferns and native plants.
We followed the track through the large redwoods and back to our starting point.
A few of us checked out the coffee at the Kaka Café and then headed home.
On the trip – Margaret B, Chris, Katy, David, Shona, Peter, Lorelei and Sandra.