Mount Reeves - Cone Bush Bash
24th November 2024
The weather forecast was just right for this trip...a cool misty start with the promise of sunshine.
8 trampers and 2 dogs set off from the Waiohine road end at 9am, we crossed the bridge and headed left, traversing along until we reached coal stream. We crossed coal stream and then steadily travelled up the non-DOC track heading for Mt Reeves. It was a warm climb with members shedding layers as we made our way up and the mist lifted.
After just under two hours we took a quick morning tea stop at the junction with the now closed track from Waiohine Valley Road.
Once refreshed, we set off to find the 'Geographical centre of NZ' - seeing as there is a large plaque right on the track you'd be hard pushed to miss it!
Trip participants gathered around for several takes on a group photo.
By now the mist had burnt off, the sun came out and the group was rewarded with some great views at the top of Mt Reeves. We took the opportunity for lunch at this panoramic spot, even the wind stayed away.
During lunch I had chance to talk with a couple of new faces, Monty and Rob who were first timers on a club trip. They were well equipped but I handed out the mini chocolate bars as a small sweetner to what lay ahead!
After lunch, it was time for the bush follow the old route between the top of Mt Reeves and the high point of the track to Cone Hut. I hadn't been this way before and wasn't sure how easy it would be to follow. It took a few minutes to find the best way in and then we bashed around a little until we came across the foot pad that marked the way. As a bonus there was the occasional permolat marking however, it was at times, still surprisingly easy to get off track!
Looking at the map, I noted it was important to ensure the correct spur was taken to maintain being on the ridge, not long after I had mentioned this to a fellow party member, I came across a permolat marker inscribed 'turn left soon'... well that was pretty handy!
We made our way across the ridge, thanks to all party members who assisted with track finding when things got a little vague!
It took around 2 hours (with stops) to travel the ridge and 'pop out on the track to Cone Hut, there was a sense of comfort to find that 8 members and 2 dogs were still present.
From there it was a quick trot back down to the Waiohine road end, doing our best to stay upright on the final steep descent.
Thanks to those who joined me on the trip Bruce, Phil, Conrad, Julie, Rob, Monty, Dave, Boots and Izzy.
Gail Edwards - Trip leader