Mountain House Loop – Sunday 16 May 2021
Participants: Janet, Anita, Margaret, Umakant, Graeme & David
Earlier in the week the weather forecast was for rain and strong winds, but as the week progressed the forecast improved until Sunday morning we were expecting patches of drizzle. And there was a bit of drizzle driving into the carpark so most started off with a raincoat. However, once in the bush the drizzle cleared and we were treated to great walking conditions.
It was great to have some newcomers on our trip so after heading through Donnelly Flats and along the Atiwhakatu Stream we continued on to the swingbridge over Holdsworth Creek for a quick look. Then we backtracked a little, removed excess clothing, and headed up the River Ridge Track. When the hill felt steep it was good to remind ourselves that over 40 competitors in the Biathlon the previous weekend had run up here in the pouring rain.
Once we met the main Gentle Annie Track we headed down to Mountain House Shelter for lunch, but there was no room at the Inn. The shelter was full with a big group heading down from Powell Hut so we lunched under the trees, adding more layers to keep out the wind.
Before long we were on our way back down the Gentle Annie track to the carpark, stopping off at Rocky Lookout to enjoy the view, particularly for those who had not been there before.
Great weather, great tramp and great company.