Trip report Mt Reeves track
Margaret and Sandra left the Waiohine Valley Road end trying to decide if a jersey was required. It
was 8am and a little cooler which was nice. We headed up the farm gravel road which gave great
views of the River. We ducked under the electric fence and continued up the hill through the
paddock and pines. The track became a zig zag and the trees became shorter as we left the pines
behind. We got some glimpses of views to other ridges and eventually an amazing view south to
Lake Wairarapa and the Aorangi range.
We continued around the hill tops, the bush changing to thin pole forest with moss, rocky outcrops
and then beech forest. Stopping at Rocky point for morning tea, we searched and found a
“Leprechaun” Geocache.
From this point the track went downhill briefly before heading uphill some more, around to the track
junction with the Coal Stream track. After travelling down through a saddle and a last hill, we were
out above the scrub with views to Cone, Holdsworth and Mt Reeves. A short trek along the top of
the ridge bought us to the big ‘Centre of NZ’ plaque on the ground. We found another Geocache
hiding in the vicinity.
With the heat and the sunshine beating down we continued along the track for approximately
another 100m before deciding to turn back. We decided to return back to the road end. Along the way we met 12 runners (not sure where they had started) and another 4 people heading up the track.
We stopped to talk to some, had another rest at the Rocky Point and then descended back to the car park. On the way home we visited the fruit icecream shop for our reward for completing 13km, and a 700m ascent/descent.