Participants: Chris, Rita & Margaret
Leader: Margaret
A great weather day for a walk in the Tararuas – fine, not too cold and not too much wind. After meeting at Holdsworth carpark we headed along the Atiwhakatu track before heading up Murray’s Track. About half way up we located a suitable seat on a log for a morning tea break and photo stop. The last bit of this track always seems steep but before long we popped out on the Gentle Annie Track. Heading back down to the carpark we passed a number of people heading up to either Rocky Lookout or Powell hut. Some participants in one group of college students from over the hill couldn’t even tell us where they were going! Luckily they had a couple of teachers with them who did. After arriving back at the carpark we had lunch in the sun in one of the shelters. All in all a lovely morning out.