20/10/2024 Pinnacle High point
With a great weather forecast, 5 Club members left the Holdsworth carpark for an adventure to Pinnacle High Pt. Thinking we needed an extra challenge over and above the usual track we agreed to Nigel's suggestion of following the Holdsworth Restoration Trust trap line #1 to reach the top, creating more of a loop walk. Nigel was correct in that the trapline started off rather steeply, but had good handholds and plenty of manuka/kanuka to hold on to. The track continued up, through great forest, lots of moss, some areas of sparse understory, then areas of wonderful ferns. We heard warbler, kakariki and kaka. The track was good to follow with the pink triangles of the trapline for the majority of the way - a few tree falls creating some good searching for the next triangle. We joined the main track after about 2.5 hours and followed this until we reached the high point. Lunch in the sun and a few clouds with a great view across to Powell and Jumbo huts.
Due to time restraints, Margaret and Sandra left slightly earlier than Nathan, Nigel and Tony. Heading back along the ridge track and down the steep descent back to the Atiwhakatu valley. It was a great trip to stretch the calf muscles and get some good hill climbing practice in prior to summer tramps.
On the trip: Nigel, Nathan, Tony, Margaret B and Sandra.