The first Tramping Club trip for us since lockdown was an easy one from the Featherston side of
the Remutaka Incline up to the summit and return.
We set off on a cloudy morning with some glimpses of blue sky. A couple of hunters were
heading out as we were heading in. Our first stop was for a hot drink at Cross Creek Station
before heading on towards the summit. We had a few stops on the way to look for geocaches
and plant identification. We enjoyed crossing the massive new Siberia bridge as a workman was
adding some additional safety netting. The tunnels were very chilly so we added another layer of
clothing before arriving at the summit. We found a lovely spot in the sun to enjoy our lunch
before heading back the same way. A group of cyclists took advantage of our torch light as we
headed back through the summit tunnel. A total of 14km easy grade track.
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