Winzenberg Hill track opening
30 April 2022
Opening of the Winzenberg track by the West face…no oxygen!Saturday was the official opening of this old track, an inspiration of John Rhodes andworked on by members of both South Wairarapa and Masterton tramping clubs.Saturday was the culmination of a few years of hard work both in cutting the track and clearing the undergrowth, particularly the gorse. It was a steep, slippery and ‘rooty’ climb up and that was just the going up! A total of 19 people and 1 dog made the trip to the summit…Eric the caretaker of Holdsworth, Chris, Laura, Mike, Nigel, Gerald and Phil from MTC and 11 SWTC members. After the ceremonial cutting of the last couple of metres of the track, Ed Cooke, President of SWTC and Mike Hopkins, V President of MTC each gave a short speech and this was followed by lamingtons and cream, supplied by Juliet. We couldn’t have asked for better weather to mark this auspicious event.