MTC tramp Saturday 11 July Members , Chris, Nigina, Laura, Mike, and visitor Chrissie joined the S Wairarapa T C for a walk down the Hutt River trail in upper Hutt(over the hill) from Te Marua to Moonshine Bridge and back . The SW folk all opted to bike ( some electric) MTC were the only walkers.
We set off just after 9am and followed the good E bank path to Moonshine Bridge, a path that is shared with bikers and at times vehicles. After lunch, meeting up with a few of the SW folk, we returned changing the view slightly by crossing over to the W bank path. This side took us through parts of suburbs and along urban roads and back to the car by about 3.30pm. The final distance came out at just over 23km, so a longer day than anticipated. A good day with good company, but we were reminded that walking on packed earth and tar is much harder on one’s feet than the forest floor!